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Yoga Child's Pose

After teaching my Beginning Yoga Workshop in-studio for years and experiencing the positive impact it has made in so many of my clients lives I've dreamt of making an even bigger impact. I am so excited to now be able to share this very impactful and valuable experience to woman around the world. 


Begin your yoga journey here by building a solid foundation of pose alignment, proper breathing techniques, the value of meditation, and the incredible value of the yoga principles all without the intimidation of being a newbie at a gym or a crowded yoga studio.


You can choose to learn by completing the video series only, or you can boost your knowledge and confidence by upgrading to packages that include both private online Zoom sessions as well as small group yoga classes. This allows for a safe and comfortable learning progression.


After completing this work-at-your-own-pace course you should feel comfortable continuing on in my online group classes or being able to confidently transition into yoga classes at your local gym or studio.


basic package

$149.00 video series only **

show me more package

$329.00 Video series + 3 private online sessions (1 HR), 3 online small group yoga classes **

I'm all in package

$499.00 video series + 6 private online sessions (1 HR), 8 online small group yoga classes **

Yoga For Midlife & Beyond

Yoga Begineers Workshop for Midlife Women
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